Tuesday, October 3, 2023

I'm baaaaAAAAaaaack

It's been awhile, but after talking it over with the spouse I thought maybe it's time to unearth this blog thing and get back into writing.  After all my therapist has been bugging me to find a hobby.

So what to write about?  How about how this country continues to fail people with mental illness.  Case in point:

I was driving to work today on the freeway and right before a popular exit there was a man dressed in a bright yellow rain poncho and a pair of boots, not sure if he had anything else on, dancing, waving around, and in general acting erratic on the side of the road as cars zoomed past.  In my opinion he was either on something or had serious mental problems.  I was genuinely afraid he was going to spring out into traffic.

It's obvious right?  You call 911 to report him. But that's just going to send the cops, who's main course of action is to find a reason to arrest the guy.  Since I didn't think he was doing anything illegal I hesitated, on one hand he needed help, and on the other there's no one to call to just send someone to talk to him and maybe get him the treatment he needs.

In the end I called 911 and reported it, because I honestly was worried about his safety.  I really hope he got an understanding officer who maybe called a crisis team or at the very least an ambulance.  Not sure what good that will do though.  They can only hold people for so l9ng and then they are released with no real follow up care.

We need Healthcare reform in our country.  We need to defend the police and put community programs in place to deal with the homeless, mentally ill, and those with substance abuse difficulties.  Let the police do their job of keeping the peace and fighting real crimes and let others pick up the pieces of society.  

What can you do to make changes?  Pay attention to politics, pay attention to candidates running for office, from your county commissioners all the way to the president, and VOTE for those willing to make the changes you want to see!  Your vote does count and it does matter.  This next presidential election in 2024 is going to be monumental, make sure you are really paying attention.  Get your news from several sources and have an open mind.  If you want my opinion I can give it to you, and will probably post more about it here as time goes on.   We can be the change we want to see!

Do it for the guy in the yellow rain poncho dancing on the side of I5.

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